Sometimes it’s worth doing the 20 km detour down the wrong dirt road full of overflowing sewerage pipes and angry police officers… sometimes it’s those wrong turns that lead you to those exact people that you are meant to be meeting – the random strangers who are soon to become your own personalised biker gang…

The road to nowhere, somewhere, Central Vietnam

After a whole week of lonesome driving, I’d resigned to believing I’d be finishing my motorbike escapades alone – just me and Teddy and Percy and whatever Vietnam decided to throw at me… and I was okay with that. I’d broken down enough times to know I’d survive. But after leaving Hoi An, a place most people visit to suit up in tailored designer attire (I did my laundry, for me that was close enough) I happened to stumble across the still unfathomable…



…It was all very surreal too. I was just breathing in the polluted ocean air [on the way back to the real road] when from nowhere,  below a ginormous buddha sat two bikers with a map stretched out. I slammed the brakes, meandered out of the way of a passing truck and the rest is history. We were three [and a Teddy bear].

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