You are exactly where you are supposed to be!
How do I know that when I don’t even know where you are? Well, tell me then, where are you? Both physically and mentally. And also, spiritually and quintacanasensually*.

My favourite sunrise spot in South Africa
Leaving South Africa** a couple of weeks ago was hard. It was hard to say goodbye to family and friends. It was hard to tear my body from the mountains and oceans and adventures that it had spent weeks relishing. It was tough to step on that plane not knowing when I would hear those familiar beats of my home continent again. It was so hard that I built a wall of emotion that I am still hiding behind.

My favourite thinking spot in Portugal.
Today I am in Portugal. The winter sun is*** smiling down on me but I’m a restless smorgasbord of confusion. Somehow January vanished and I’m looking at the drawing board of 2023 realising it is a bit of a tabula rasa. The basics are all there, but where are the goals and the resolutions and all the other stuff that gives it meaning?

This says “Happy 2023” just in case there is any confusion.
A few years ago, I had the pleasure of sharing a boat with my “sister”, Renate in New Zealand. She taught me many things in the few weeks we spent together, but the thing that stuck with me the most was that phrase: “You are always where you are meant to be.”

This is Renate.
Every time I ask myself a “what if?” I remember that phrase.
Every time I am running late, I remember that phrase.
Every time I start questioning my purpose, I remember that phrase.
Today, sat in this sun, I am remembering that phrase.

Small mistakes like buttons are okay. But so are big mistakes. (If we learn from them!)
In 2022, I made plenty of mistakes. I learned from them. I was exactly where I was meant to be.
And I will make plenty more mistakes this year, but I am going to enjoy the adventures that hold them. Whatever those adventures are.
Nothing is permanent, so wherever you are today, enjoy being exactly where you are because you never know where exactly you will be next.
I’m not sure any of this makes sense, but enjoy it. All of it!
(*this is a word I just made up to make sure I cover all the bases).
(**Blog post about my home lands coming soon. But for today simply enjoy being exactly where you are because that is where you are meant to be).
(***Was sitting in the winter sun. It is now raining).

Throw back to throwing back in one of the weirdest places I have ever visited, Muine, Vietnam. You are always where you are meant to be.
1 Comment
Don't Panic! Go to South Africa Instead. - Bearfoot Gypsy · February 16, 2023 at 3:31 pm
[…] afraid that I was making the wrong decision about returning to Portugal. But, if you read my last post, the secret to fully living, is to being exactly where you are, because that is where you are meant […]